Friday, March 11, 2005

Same Sex Marriage Myths Abound!

This comes from a good and principled friend of mine in Canada, John Coish, a Christian pastor in the denomination from which I came. I am reproducing this piece with his permission. He will soon have it published in some Canadian newspapers.

(I have not edited this, even though it contains Canadian misspellings, eh?)

Same Sex Marriage Myths Abound!

Myth: Only homophobic Neanderthals object to same-sex marriage.
Fact: Professors Katherine K. Young and Paul Nathanson, of McGill University are very qualified to rebut this argument. They noted in recent writings that, "One of us is a man, the other a woman. One is a Jew, the other a gentile. And one is gay, the other straight. Neither of us opposes gay relationships or civil unions for gay people."
In their writings Young and Nathanson agree that support for heterosexual bonding through marriage is essential to the well-being of any society. They contend that despite ambiguity in some of the social science evidence, "we do know by now that two parents are better for children than one and that families with both mothers and fathers are generally better for children than those with only mothers or only fathers." They add: "That these facts are either ignored or trivialized by some advocates of gay marriage . . . says something about concern for children in our time."
(Quoted from Divorcing Marriage: Unveiling the Dangers in Canada's New Social Experiment.)

Myth: Homosexual marriage is a rights issue.
Fact: People have the right in our society to conduct themselves immorally between consenting adults, ie. fornication, including multiple partners at the same time, adultery, and homosexual behaviour. People also have the right to express that such behaviour is not in the best interests of the individuals involved. However, while Christians state this behaviour is absolutely not in the best interests of the individual, family or society they also state that all neighbours should be treated with love and respect. Does this mean they must promote immoral behaviour as normal, participate or support such behaviour? Absolutely not--but they should still be friendly, helpful and kind neighbours. The issue at the heart of this argument is RESPONSIBLE GOVERNMENT (STUPID). Paul Martin has a responsibility to promote healthy behaviour for society. Promoting buggery to our children as a healthy practice is utterly ludicrous from any positive perspective. Enemies of traditional Christian values want the government to promote homosexual behaviour to our children under the guise of anti-homophobia classes. Paul Martin will you stand up for the future of our children and the health of our nation instead of bowing down to the Charter and activist judges? (Constitutional history of same-sex rights see

Myth: Paul Martin must separate his moral viewpoints and his government ethics.
Fact: There is no such thing as business or government ethics. You either have ethics or you don’t. You cant go to church for a couple of hours and pretend to have morals and then go to work and ignore them. When you do that you are pretending to bow down to God for a few minutes and then bowing down to the manmade god of the Charter of Rights the remaining days. This is a perfect example of being without integrity or sincerity, of being Mr. Dithers. It would appear that Mr. Dithers has sold his soul to a new god based on man’s desires rather then on the will of the only true God – in effect exchanging one set of absolutes for another man made set.

Myth: Homosexuality is not a choice.
Fact: Homosexual behaviour is a choice or its rape. It really doesn’t matter if I’m attracted to every other woman or man in the world. How I behave is my choice. Some people are more inclined to be physically abusive then others, some are more inclined to be pedophiles, some are more inclined to be womanizers, some are more inclined to be homosexuals, so what? The fact is shown in one study after the next, that the greatest benefit for society is to have a strong traditional family unit. (For help in overcoming your same-sex attraction disorder write for our free book which includes support group information.)

Myth: Jesus did not speak against homosexuality.
Fact: Jesus pointed to creation as the ideal for marriage. Man and woman fit together perfectly and are designed for such activity. Jesus did not speak directly about homosexuality or pedophilia or beastiality for that matter, but God already had and the people he was addressing knew better. The problem was polygamy and wife swapping and he addressed it with creation – saying that creation demonstrated the sexual relationship that God intended for mankind.


DC said...

Hi Scott.

The writer didn't say that homosexuals "choose" to be attracted to the same sex. He said that "[h]omosexual behavior is a choice." I think we can both agree on that.

If, for the benefit of its own interests, the state chooses not to recognize homosexual marriages, then how is it doing wrong?

The state doesn't punish homosexual unions, but they shouldn't be forced to encourage them or "bless" them with the same benefits as traditional marriages, which strengthen the community.

Would it be "discrimination" (in a bad way) for the state to not recognize incestuous father-son "marriages"? If an adult father-son team decide to live together as lovers, who's to say they can't enjoy the benefits of state-recognized marriage?

Would it be religious discrimination to refuse civil marriage licenses to polygamous partners?

It is the responsibility of a state to promote a healthy, well-balanced society, which is composed of good families, whose core is a solid marriage between one man and one woman.

11181955 said...

I know people I am close to or have been friends with that choose to be with someone of the same sex, and I try really hard to understand it but, not sure why but it creeps me out.So I nice as I can tell them what they choose to do it up to them, just please don't force it or show it to me or my children, is what I ask of them. I want to bring something up for your readers also, hope this don't bother you, but if it does I'll understand if you deleate this. I get so sick of hearing men, talk about how they think it is so hot to see two women together in a sexual act. So I asked a group of men and they agreed to the statment I said above. So then I asked them then why is it sick to them to see to men in a sexual act and to watch them..Their reply to me what what I thought it would be..said, that was, well they couldn't even put it into words I would print, but they did say..It's just not right for two men to make love to each other!! And I told them that's right, Making Love means a union of two people in love, trying to make a family, or expressing marrage vows...Thats my feelings, sorry so long.

DC said...

No need to apologize. Thanks for the good comment.