Monday, July 02, 2007

A False Prophet Nails Himself

As one with a background in Armstrongism, I was intrigued by this quote from Herbert W. Armstrong, made several decades before his death in 1986. I've read the quote before, but it's more astonishing to hear it in his own voice. This quote is found at approximately 68:30 on the timer (less than 5 minutes into the video):
I want to tell you that all this weather disturbance means a terrible famine is coming on the United States, that is going to ruin us as a nation inside of less than twenty more years. All right, I stuck my neck out right there. You just wait twenty years and see whether I told you the truth. God says, if a man tells you what's going to happen, wait and see. If it doesn't happen, he was not speaking the word of God, he's speaking out of his own mind. You watch and see whether these things happen. You see who's speaking to you, my friends.

I am sure that his strongest modern-day apologists might defend him by disagreeing with him on that point.

I think this lengthy video would interest current Armstrongites, ex-Armstrongites, and those who are curious about the story of the Worldwide Church of God. Don't get me wrong -- I'm not a big fan of the current WCG -- but this is still fascinating.

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