Monday, December 24, 2007

"Church Is Cancelled -- It's Christmas!"

I'm wondering if the Catholic Church is the only place in these parts of Texas to go for Christian worship on Christmas Day.

I've heard from several non-Catholic friends who say they never have church on Christmas because their churches want you to spend time with family.

Why can't the family spend time at church? Don't we claim Christmas as a Christian holiday? I know that churches have services on Easter morning -- so what's the deal with Christmas? Or why not have a Christmas Eve service instead (if not in addition to)? And what of those people who don't have any family to share with?

Why not cancel services on Super Bowl Sunday so that football-loving families can spend some quality "down" time with each other?

I do understand that sometimes we don't "feel" like going to church. But we do it anyway on Sundays because we know it is part of the Christian life. Is Christmas not more special than an odinary Sunday? Why have a "religious" festival that is recognized, shared, and celebrated by the whole Church, but then not assemble as a church in commemoration of the birth of the God-Man?

We should welcome the Christmas celebration -- not sleep when He comes.

I know that sounded preachy. Sorry. But it's still something to consider.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

((I know that sounded preachy. Sorry.))

DON'T! Stick to your guns Darren! Again it is the comsumerism and commercialism that has been latched on to Christmas. I am for all churches Protestant and Catholic having actual worship services and even fellowship time on that day. As I said before the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox get it when they treat Christmas as a holy day than a leisurely consumerist holiday. I hope you had a Merry Christmas with your family as I did with mine.