Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Would You Wear an Electric-Chair Necklace?

I've heard the sarcastic question asked many times from people who object to wearing a cross or crucifix as jewelry. It was asked again today by the host of an Evangelical Christian radio program on my way home from work: If Jesus was electrocuted, would you wear an electric chair around your neck?

Illustration by Nate Hibma.
His views are not necessarily those of this blog.

My answer is YES, especially if the early Christians gloried in it like they did the cross. Maybe St. Paul would have written:
"For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him electrocuted" (1 Cor 2:2).

"Far be it from me to glory except in the chair of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been electrocuted to me, and I to the world" (Gal 6:14)

"But we preach Christ electrocuted, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles, but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God" (I Cor 1:23-24).

"You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? Before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as electrocuted" (Gal 3:1).
The reason devout Christians wear a crucifix is to showcase and keep in remembrance history's greatest act of love for mankind.

Whether we read it or write it, sing it or wear it, the message is the same: Jesus died so that we may live.


Anonymous said...

I heard somewhere that infamously foul-mouthed comedian Lenny Bruce used to mock Christianity by asking the "What if Jesus were electrocuted?" question. It's interesting that we have allegedly Christian people parroting the anti-Christian Lenny Bruce on this point.

Anonymous said...

Why not a stake with a sign on top?The fact that the cross was a pagan worship symbol,was just one of the tools of uniting the Empire
and that it's usage predates the crucifixion of Christ,might be a consideration in it's usage in certain circles.The fact that no image should be used to facilitate,
enhance or evoke worship,is a matter of scriptual record.However
many people desiring to outwardly
show a paticular belief or fraternity,might very well choose to wear paticular garments or hairstyles,hats and various other symbols.Many believe that this is a deliberate attempt to draw attention to a paticular ideology,
the effects of this scrutiny can be debated as positive or negative or both.
The life of JESUS however says
volumes about quiet example,living as an example communicates in ways
that symbols fashioned by the hands of man cannot.
Yet pageantry is bound up in so many religious expressions,that
it's abscence would be seen as lacking by those who have been conditioned in it's usage and the act of worship might be unsatisfactory without it's pomp.
Personally,I believe a great danger lies in it's usage.Conditioning people to attribute worship and the prescence of goodness in such visible things,is an invitation to disaster.
To those who do not see this danger,no explanation will suffice.
In comparison,the question of Pilate to Jesus comes to mind,"What is truth"?However the one who this discussion truly revolves around,will purge all error someday and then all will see eye to eye.

helenleckie said...

I've been searching the internet trying to find jewelery with modern-day execution devices. I would wear it. I've found a couple of sites where people have mentioned others who have worn electric chair necklaces or similar, but nowhere that sells them! If you find any, let me know.

BobDobbs said...

I'm not sure how old this thread is but I wanted to posit this.

This god despised you and all people so much that all he could do about it was torture his son and have him nailed to a cross. Sorry, he didn't actually kill the boy because legend has him coming back to life. But the Bible teaches that "it pleased God" to do this to his boy. Too bad there wasn't a volcano handy.

So your god commits heinous torture to satisfy his anger at you and you want to glorify it by wearing a cross?

Seek help. If I kill my son because my neighbor's dandelions are spreading onto my lawn I'm going to jail for a long, long time.

Why can't you people see the insanity of this bloodlust?

DC said...

I reply to BobDobbs at http://www.catholiccomments.com/2008/02/is-god-bloodthirsty.html.