Saturday, June 17, 2006

I Hate When Bloggers Quit

I hate when bloggers I enjoy stop blogging.

I noticed I haven't posted a blog entry in six months, and, while I'm sure that's not rocking anyone's world, it bugs me. So I'm renewing my personal commitment to blog. It does a body good.

My plan (subject to change in an instant) is to post smaller, but more frequent, entries -- and perhaps less formal ones. We'll see how it goes.

If you're even half-interested in what I say (or anyone else) when I let my fingers do the talking, I recommend getting a free news aggregator. It will show you what, if any, new posts I have published without having to actually go to my blog site. Not only that, you can read them in their entirety without visiting "So Let It Be Written . . . ."

If you use Mozilla's free Firefox Web browser, then you can use the "Live Bookmarks" that are built in. They can tell you my blog titles, and if you click on one, you will be directed to that page on my site.

However, since I'm such a Google fan, I recommend that you try Google Reader, a Web-based news aggregator. It has most of the features one would want in a news reader, plus the freedom to access your account from any computer. Right now I keep up with 26 different blogs (and podcasts) using Google Reader. I know for a fact I'd never visit all those sites individually. It's easier to let them come to me.

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