Thursday, June 22, 2006

Humility Is . . .

Is humility synonymous with loathing oneself, deprecating oneself, walking around with slumped shoulders and seeing no value at all in oneself?

No. Humility is seeing things as they are. It is recognizing the truth, the true order of things.

If you're humble, you see that you are a speck in the cosmos, that you are small and weak compared to God.

And, if you're truly humble, you will also recognize that God loves us specks, that we have incredible value and potential, having been created in God's image.

Pride is the opposite of humility. It makes a person see himself falsely, in a more lofty position than he really is.

True humility is the key to effective prayer. That's why we must first recognize that God is "Our Father, who art in heaven," and that His name is hallowed.

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