A commenter who identifies himself as "Cbuser" had this to say after reading some of my blogs:
Purgatory isn't Biblical, just as Catholicism and it's holidays are not Biblical, just as their paganistic rituals at their "Christ Mass" is not Biblical. I saw children placing flowers in front of an idol of the baby Jesus (like anyone knows what he looked like). Looks pagan to me, and since I am a former pagan, I believe that I know what I am talking about. Activities like that are pure idolatry and break the commandment that says to not bow down or to worship any idols.
I find it difficult to believe that you threw the truth away for such iniquity. I pray that your thoughts will change, and your heart as well.
I'm not clear
why I should abandon my thoughts concerning Catholicism and its holidays. Is it a "pagan ritual" to place flowers around a statue of the newborn Jesus?
If so, what about placing flowers at the gravestone of a deceased loved one? Is that worshiping the dead? Or is the intent not to honor the person who is
represented by the gravestone?
Is it okay to carry around a picture of your spouse, and even kiss it when you think of her during a business trip?
Is it okay to have a gigantic statue of Abraham Lincoln in Washington D.C., and to visit it to honor his place in history?
Can we salute the American flag and "pledge allegience" to it?
Anyone who actually
worships a statue or representation of any kind -- even of Jesus -- is breaking the First Commandment, which forbids idolatry or the worship of any thing or any person other than the one, true Creator God. To do so is patently contrary to Catholic teaching. Should I change my mind about the First Commandment?
"Cbuser" alleges to be a former pagan. I'd like to know what kind of paganism celebrates the virgin birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God who became flesh. Is this the official doctrine of "pagans"? Or is Cbuser looking at surface-level similarities between pagan practices and Christian ones?
There are pagans who practice a form of meditation. So do Christians. Is Christian meditation therefore "pagan"? If there is a pagan rite that involves the use of water, does that make Christian baptism "pagan"? If there are Eastern religions that have a "holy book," does that mean the notion of Sacred Scripture is "pagan"? All this gets to be pretty silly, looking for superficial similarities in order to brand Christian practices with the "pagan" label.
If we insist on looking at the superficial, why not look at the other details? The
Bible speaks of a
Baby named
Jesus, born of a
virgin. Others
visited Him and brought Him
gifts. The
angels in heaven rejoiced in
song. Many other such words and details are associated with the observance of Christmas. According to Cbuser's logic, why don't
these things make Christmas "biblical"?
It all boils down to this:
When judging a practice, one must look at its heart, not its skin. A certain color of lipstick may be worn by both a chaste woman and a filthy prostitute, but the two women are fundamentally different. Their lip color means little. The two women are not cut from the same cloth.
When you strip away the seasonal decorations, and especially the commercialism that has invaded it, Christmas is a holy day that celebrates the Coming of Christ. That
is the heart of it. And there is no scripture that condemns the celebration of Jesus' birth; the Bible only shows it to be worthy
of celebration (Luke 1-2). If Sacred Scripture condemned the celebration of Jesus' birth, then the Catholic Church would condemn it as well.
do know what the baby Jesus looked like: a very tiny, adorable Jewish person.