GTA had a good beer buzz going on at this moment.
This picture was taken at the graduation service of Imperial Academy in the summer of 1996. I had completed the church's two-year theological program. It was the last year Imperial Academy conducted classes full time. It was also the second year.
It was roughly three years or so after this photo was taken that I began inquiring about Catholicism.
Hi Darren,
I don't know if you will remember me, but it's Mary. Hopefully, you remember me. I haven't talked to you in years, figured you went back home after you married. I came across this site, and knew it was you after seeing the picture. I hope you are doing well. I have been having a very hard 2007, but remembered how much faith you had in the Lord, so I been using what you showed me years ago(about faith)to get through my rough time. I am glad that I met you because you showed me that strong faith can improve one's life. I always admired you for your unfailing faith, kindness, and weird humor. I can't believe that you are now a Catholic. Never saw that coming! Well, I just want to tell you that I have so faith now, and that you helped me with that. I hope you hear from you.
That was a nice comment to leave, Mary. I appreciate it.
I imagine I would remember you, but a "Mary" I haven't talked to "in years" -- that's a tough riddle to crack without more information. Maybe a last initial? A location? I have a guess, but it's a long shot; it's doubtful. Ever seen Credence Clearwater Revival in person?
Anyway, I'm sorry you're having a rough year. But I'm glad you have faith in your arsenal to get through it. I know faith doesn't make it "easy," but it does provide a perspective built on a framework of truth, which can enable you to proceed with meaning, purpose, and confidence -- even if that faith is imperfect and sometimes seems shaky.
Hang in there, Mary Somebody. It will be 2008 before you know it.
Well, maybe you remember me, but just don't know it. :) Seems like you are as goofy as I remember.
Yes, I saw C.C.R. with you and Vance's (think that was his name) wife. She wanted to go very badly. So, you & I went with her and had fun. That was my first live concert that I ever been to. You also took me to your church once or twice. Surely, you remember me now? Mary R. from (close to) Tyler? We also used to chat with your brother online and he made me mad all the time because he said that he was against interracial marriage and I am part White/part Japanese. Remember?
Anyway, I have been going through a lot this year (with my health) and have been thinking a lot about faith, and remembered how much you had. I also been doing a lot of praying lately because of my situation. It all made me remember you. When I came acrossed your site, I had to write you. I hope that you don't mind. Didn't know how much of an impact you made on me until recently...after all these years. I still can't believe that you converted to a Catholic. That blew my mind when I saw that. Never thought that you would leave the Church of God International: Armor of God.
I hope to hear from you again soon.
Your Lost Friend,
Sure, of course I remember you very well. You are the only one I could think of named Mary that came halfway close to making any sense. But I still didn't think it would be you.
I've seen you two or three times at Wal-Mart here in Palestine. One of those times I pointed you out to my wife.
I hate to hear about further health problems. I know that was something you dealt with a lot before.
I need to head out to work. Shoot me an email when you can: thedarrenator at gmail dot com.
Peace be with you.
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