Sunday, March 16, 2008

"Anything Goes" in the Marriage Bed?

It is said by a number of individual Christians that "the marriage bed is undefiled," and by that they mean "anything goes" in the bedroom as long as you're married.

This has been said to justify sodomy, artificial contraception, sadomasochism, wild role playing, and any number of perversions of the marital act.

The scripture these people reference is often misunderstood because of the awkward wording of the King James Version (according to today's English style):
Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge (Hebrews 13:4).
Read from a certain perspective, this can seem to say all things are acceptable in the marriage bed.

But read it again in another translation, such as the New American Standard Bible:
Marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge.
Go back to the KJV's rendering, and you can understand it in a new light. It's contrasting a wholesome marriage and its undefiled bed with whoremongering and adultery. Bring those things into the bed, and that bed is now defiled.

This scripture has to do with marital chastity. It does not intend to say that all degenerate or selfish imaginations are okay as long as you're married.


Jim Bob said...

The "abominable and detestable" acts that should not be so much as mentioned among Christians used to be denounced as "sodomy." To the shame of us today these "uncleannesses" and "lascivious" acts must be mentioned by name, or description where they were so offensive that they had no names.
Degenerates who have infiltrated the federal courts, where they are unaccountable to the people, have used the delicacy of the legislators and judges of former times, when they did not wish to offend, to appear lewd themselves, by graphic descriptions of said "abominable and detestable" acts, as an excuse to find the laws and court rulings forbidding such acts "unconstitutional as void for vagueness."

Jim Bob said...

The "abominable and detestable" acts that should not be so much as mentioned among Christians used to be denounced as "sodomy." To the shame of us today these "uncleannesses" and "lascivious" acts must be mentioned by name, or description where they were so offensive that they had no names.
Degenerates who have infiltrated the federal courts, where they are unaccountable to the people, have used the delicacy of the legislators and judges of former times, when they did not wish to offend, to appear lewd themselves, by graphic descriptions of said "abominable and detestable" acts, as an excuse to find the laws and court rulings forbidding such acts "unconstitutional as void for vagueness."