According to a Reuters report, "Provincetown, New England's summer gay capital, is facing a rise in harassment and discrimination. But this time it's straight people who say they are being ridiculed as 'breeders' and 'baby makers.'"
That's like a community of bulimics taking shots at "digesters" and "nutritionists," or Muslim terrorists calling us "freedom-loving peacemongers." How can anyone take serious offense?
God's first command for us was to breed and make babies (Genesis 1:28). Even from a Darwinist perspective, breeding and baby-making are essential to the survival of the fittest. Without breeding, only death would survive.
Not surprisingly, the Catholic Church continues to be targeted by the culture of death crowd. Faithful Catholics stand for the sanctity of life at all stages, and those who embrace corruption and death are fierce in their opposition (as if their lives depended on it).
It appears that the couple pictured on the left (where else?) feels a need to display their disloyalty to Catholic moral teaching. They proudly refused to sign a recent ammendment petition in Massachusetts that reads:
When recognizing marriages entered into after the adoption of this amendment by the people, the Commonwealth and its political subdivisions shall define marriage only as the union of one man and one woman.
Admittedly, they may just have different political views, in which they see no need to legislate what constitutes a marriage, but somehow I think their gay-marriage sympathies run deeper than disputes over civil legalities.
To me it illustrates our need to stand by the light of the Church's teaching in our dark world of immorality. It's important for us Christian "breeders" to promote life and the sanctity of marriage and the family. It's God's will, and it makes sense. After all, children must first be born if they are to be "born again."
Just as the earliest followers of Christ embraced the label "Christian," which was first used as a contemptuous epithet, so we can accept "breeders" and "baby-makers," as silly as such name-calling is.